TVET schools in Rwanda, especially outside the capital, are very important for the labour market integration of local people in the labor market. However, many times the VET provision, both in relation with skills and in relation with the learning methods is not adequate for the 21st century skills and economy.


Taking this into consideration, the general objective of the project is to initiate sustained educational transformation in TVET schools to incorporate emerging subject areas and innovative pedagogies to respond to the teaching and learning practice demanded in the 21st century. The project is aiming to achieve these objectives by introducing four emerging subject matter areas:

Digital technologies, sustainability, entrepreneurship, and creativity and two innovative pedagogies: design thinking in education and Creative Thinking Labs, to support TVETs in Rwanda to become better prepared to develop 21st century skills in their graduates.

The project will organize workshops and training activities in order to support the professional development of TVET teachers in Rwanda (Region of Butare) by developing core knowledge and competences about the 21st century competences and pedagogies and it will support teachers to design, develop and try out 21st Century learning strategies and subject areas for their curriculum.

It will also support TVET institutions to develop strategic plans at institutional level for continuation the transformation process to become a 21st TVET school and foster the creation of a network between the local TVET schools in Butare and between TVETs and external actors such as industry. In the same time, it will transfer the experience of these 3 VETs also to other actors in national and regional level through the development of training material and an online course that will guide TVETs and teachers to incorporate creativity, sustainable development, entrepreneurship, digital technologies, and active learning in their curriculum.


Analytical Thinking
Resilience, flexibility & agility
Motivation & self-awareness
Curiosity & Lifelong Learning
Thechological Literacy
Dependability & attention to detail
Empathy & Active Listening
Leadership & Social Influence

The project builds and complement on knowledge generated in the follow projects:

  1. Entrepreneurship initiative of EGR https://edigenrwanda.org/entrepreneurship/
  2. ICT and Innovation Programs of EGR: https://edigenrwanda.org/ictinnovation-programmes/ and
    the collaborative project between AIMS and EGR:
  3. The overall effort of Rwanda to improve the competences of their workforce.