TVET schools in Rwanda
Digital technologies
innovative pedagogies
Design Thinking
Design Thinking is an innovative, creative and human-centered process and mindset that employs collaborative multidisciplinary teams in order to generate user-focused products, services or experiences. In education, design thinking is defined as an approach that encompasses active problem solving, creative thinking and multidisciplinary works that has the potential to foster change and innovation.
Creative Thinking Lab
Creative Thinking Learning Lab takes the feature of working with real local problems as a vehicle to drive meaningful, participatory and deep learning. Participants apply the creative process where they work iteratively with the selected problem in their local community, collect data and interact with key stakeholders to generate possible solutions using the CTLL space and tools.
Teachers acquire Digital Skills
Under the 21st Century TVET Project, teachers acquire Digital Skills needed for boosting their productivity.
The Steering Committee (SC) of the 21st century skills project
Coordinating organization: Via University College from Denmark Partners: Consufè from Denmark Action synergy from...
Collaboration in the Digital Age: Skills for a Connected World
The 21st century is characterized by a highly interconnected world, where collaboration across geographical and...